Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan <p>Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan <strong>(E-ISSN :&nbsp;<a href=";1490748152&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-6135</a>; P-ISSN :&nbsp;<a href=";1333083907&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2252-5432</a>)</strong>, with <strong><span class="st">Digital Object Identifier&nbsp;</span><span class="il">(DOI)</span>&nbsp;prefix&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.37341&nbsp;</a></strong>known as Interest, is a&nbsp; journal published by Health Polytechnic of Surakarta Ministry twice a year in May and November. Interest has decided to change the Indonesian language to<strong>&nbsp;accept with English&nbsp;</strong>starting from May 2021. This journal provides a forum for exchanging ideas about theory, methodology and fundamental issues related to the world of health which include nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine (herbal), occupational therapy, prosthetic orthotics, speech therapy, public health, medicine, and health education. The submission process is open throughout the year. All texts submitted will be through multiple peer reviews and editorial reviews before being accepted for publication. In 2012, the magazine published online with the name of Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Interest, starting with Vol.1 No.1 with the printed version of ISSN 2252-5432 and the online version from 2579-6135 in accordance with LIPI policy. Starting in June 2019, Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Interest uses an Open Journal System that requires all authors to register before they are allowed to upload the manuscript they write online. After that, editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the processing of the manuscript. Publisher of Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan is Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta&nbsp;incorporate with the organization of profesions : <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Perhimpunan Akupuntur Terapis Indonesia (HAKTI)</a>.</strong></p> <table class="announcements"> <tbody> <tr class="title"> <td class="title"> <h4>ACCREDITATION: RE-ACCREDITATION RESULT</h4> </td> <td class="more">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="description"> <td class="description"> <p>Start from&nbsp;<strong>June 2020</strong>, Based on&nbsp;Excerpts and Decrees of the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency, with Number: B / 1796 / E5.2 / KI.02.00/ 2020,&nbsp;<strong>Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan&nbsp;</strong>has accredited<strong>&nbsp;SINTA 3 (3rd Grade Journal)</strong>. The Accreditation is valid until 2024.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="announcements"> <tbody> <tr class="title"> <td class="title"> <h4>EDITORIAL: ENGLISH LANGUAGE</h4> </td> <td class="more">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr class="description"> <td class="description">Since Vol. 6 No. 1 March 2021, <strong>Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>only receives full-text manuscript in&nbsp;<strong>ENGLISH</strong>. Thank you.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> en-US (Yuyun Setyorini) (Reni Wulandari) Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Effectiveness of Oral Herbal in Postpartum and Breastfeeding <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Health care during the postpartum and breastfeeding periods fulfils the needs of the mother and baby. 'Jamu', or herbal medicine, is often used for this purpose, but there needs to be more evidence of its effectiveness. The public's insufficient understanding of herbal medicine necessitates a systematic review to assess its contents, benefits, and side effects. The systematic review aimed to examine oral herbal medicines during puerperium or breastfeeding, using the RCT method to provide evidence of IB levels in EBM.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong><em> Inclusion criteria were articles in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to investigate the effectiveness of oral herbs during the puerperium and lactation. The methodological quality of articles was tested with the Jadad Score. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> The five (5) selected articles have good quality (the Jadad Score was 5–8). The study tested five herbs, including fenugreek, honey, bitter fennel, Brazilian propolis, barley malt, and Thai herbal tea "Wang Nam Yean" (a mixture of sappan wood (secang), bael (maja) fruit, licorice, ginger, and tuba (Derris scandens)). Comparators included placebo and other herbs or Domperidone. Most clinical outcomes involved successful breastfeeding, but complications, infant weight gain, and side effects were also observed. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> Herbs can aid in healthy breastfeeding, but they should be taken cautiously and in conjunction with the assessment, counselling, and support of healthcare professionals. No herbal medicine has the best evidence-based practices because the evidence has not been applied to clinical practice, so changes in clinical practice results have yet to be documented.</em></p> Nutrisia Aquariushinta Sayuti, Atikah Copyright (c) 2024 Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Mon, 02 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Playing Puzzles Improves School-Age Children's Handwashing Knowledge and Skills <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Handwashing refers to the practice of using soap and water to clean one's hands, both externally and between the fingers. Avoiding the spread of diarrhea, an infectious disease, requires regular handwashing. The goal of this research is to examine how SDN 009 Loa Janan Ilir students' handwashing knowledge and skills changed after receiving health education in the form of puzzles.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong> <em>A non-random control group design was used in this quasi-experimental study. The treatment group was SDN 009 Loa Janan Ilir, and the comparison group was SDN 007 Loa Janan Ilir. Each school used a sample size of 53 students. Media with a puzzle theme was provided to the treatment group, while media with a PowerPoint theme was provided to the comparison group. The data was analyzed using Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests. <strong> </strong></em></p> <p><strong><em>Results: </em></strong><em>A bivariate analysis demonstrated that both participants' knowledge and skills improved after being exposed to health education content presented in puzzle form. After receiving health education, there was a statistically significant difference in both the knowledge and competence levels of handwashing between the treatment and comparison groups (</em><em>ρ-values of knowledge ρ=0.032 and ρ-values of skill ρ=0.000).</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>Students at SDN 009 Loa Janan Ilir learned new information and improved their handwashing skills after obtaining health education via puzzle media, according to the results of this study.</em></p> Yuliana Yuliana, Nino Adib Chifdillah, Eka Putri Rahayu, Dwi Hendriani Copyright (c) 2024 Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Thu, 07 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Neo Automatic Code to Improve Quality of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in Society <p><em><strong>Background:</strong></em> <em>The quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in Indonesian society is poor. One solution is to give society a metronome called the Neo Automatic Code (NAC) to guide CPR when cardiac arrest patients are present. This study aims to analyze the effect of NAC on the compression depth and compression rate during CPR.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Methods: </strong></em><em>A quick experimental study with a control group design, where the population is chosen by simple random sampling to distinguish between odd and even. The population is health cadres and youth with an age range of 16-56 years. The intervention group gets training 2 times to do CPR with Neo Automatic Code, and the control group gets training in CPR using standard procedure. We use a CPR manikin to measure variables. Data analyzed used Mann Whitney.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Results: </strong></em><em>The Mann-Whitney test shows p = 0.001, concluding that there is a difference in the accuracy of depth and compression speed in CPR between the intervention and control groups. This means the NAC metronome can improve CPR performance in compression depth and compression rate. CPR uses a neo-automatic code metronome to ensure the user breathes regularly and helps the rescuer to constantly give compression</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Neo automatic code can improve the quality of CPR in Indonesian society. A study about how many times training must be given to society, considering age, level of education, and kinds of jobs, is needed.</em></p> Rendi Editya Darmawan, Satino Satino Copyright (c) 2024 Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Impact of Sticking Pictures to Promote Dengue Fever Prevention on Fifth-Graders’ Knowledge and Attitude <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Dengue fever is an acute mosquito-borne infection caused by the dengue viruses and has become a growing public health concern globally. One of the causes is the lack of knowledge about the 3M Plus campaign, especially among children in the school-age group. The objective of this research is to identify the impact of sticking pictures as health promotion media to prevent dengue fever on elementary school fifth-graders’ knowledge and attitude.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods: </em></strong><em>This research uses a pre-experimental type with a one-group pre-test and post-test design. The population of this research consisted of all fifth-grade students, followed by 39 persons chosen utilizing proportional random sampling and simple random sampling techniques. The primary data for this research were collected through the distribution and completion of close-ended questionnaires. The data analysis method was carried out using the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results: </em></strong><em>The results show that there is a significant impact of the use of sticking pictures as health promotion media on elementary school fifth-graders’ knowledge (p = 0.01) and attitude (p = 0.01) towards dengue fever prevention after they were given sticking pictures.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>The use of health promotion media with sticking pictures affects elementary school fifth-graders’ increasing knowledge and attitude about DHF. The implication of this finding is that educators should consider integrating sticking pictures as health promotion media into their teaching methods to enhance students’ knowledge and attitude towards dengue fever prevention.</em></p> Della Pangestu Wibowo, Nino Adib Chifdillah, Dian Ardyanti, Dwi Hendriani Copyright (c) 2024 Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Wed, 13 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Influence Of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique On Cortisol Levels in Ischaemic Stroke Patients <p><em><strong>Background: </strong>Ischaemic stroke patients experience an increase in cortisol of 38% over 90 days. The spiritual emotional freedom technique (SEFT) provides manual stimulation of acupuncture points, which makes the muscles feel relaxed so that they can control cortisol. This study set out to assess how SEFT affected the cortisol levels in patients who had suffered an ischaemic stroke.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Methods: </strong>A control group and pre- and post-test measures were part of the quasi-experimental research design. There were seventy-one patients in the research population of the study. The sample was measured using the Slovin formula, and the sampling strategy used was purposeful sampling. Over the course of three months, the intervention group had 12 sessions of SEFT once a week, whereas the control group received regular spiritual treatment from RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, an outpatient nurse. The ELISA method was used to measure cortisol levels. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to assess normality, and the Levene test was used to test for homogeneity in bivariate data. The Mann-Whitney method was used to analyze the data.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Results: </strong>The mean cortisol before intervention was 119.63, and the mean cortisol after intervention was 99.23. SEFT affects cortisol levels in patients who have had an ischaemic stroke, according to a statistically significant (p&lt;0.05) p-value of zero.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Patients with ischaemic stroke experienced a significant drop in cortisol levels after using the SEFT. Furthermore, it is necessary to study the dominant factors that influence the cortisol hormone and the need for a multi-religious approach in an effort to develop spiritual-based interventions.</em><br /><br /></p> Aria Nurahman Hendra Kusuma, Dwi Pudjonarko, Untung Sujianto Copyright (c) 2024 Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Tue, 03 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Parental Support in Psychological Rehabilitation of Child Victims of Sexual Violence: A Qualitative Study <p><strong><em>Background:</em></strong><em> Sexual violence was the most common, Data from the Regional Technical Services Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) of Jember Regency showed that there were 75 cases of sexual violence against children in 2022 and 73 cases of sexual violence against children in 2023. This research aimed to analyse aspects of parental social support in the psychological rehabilitation of child victims of sexual violence in the Jember Regency.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods:</em></strong><em> This research was qualitative research with a case study approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 3 main informants, which are parents of child victims of sexual violence with the age criteria of 7-18 years, 2 additional informants, which are family members or closest people from the victim's parents and 1 key informant, which the Regional Technical Services Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) of Jember Regency. Informants of this research are based on the willingness of informants to be interviewed in accordance with an ethical review of the confidentiality of informant information.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results:</em></strong><em> The results showed that parents had provided emotional support to child victims of sexual violence by reporting to the police; providing affection, instrumental support by fulfilling daily needs, informative support by giving advice to children, and providing appreciation support by accepting the child's condition, providing support to children to undergo rehabilitation so as not to experience prolonged trauma.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion:</em></strong><em> Providing aspects of parental social support has been given to their children who are victims of sexual violence.</em></p> Regita Eka Ayu Syahfitri, Dewi Rokhmah, Iken Nafikadini Copyright (c) 2024 Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Fri, 06 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Media Audio Barcode Monitoring Book (Dicotobook) Effectively Improves Detection of Stunting Risk <p><strong><em>Background</em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>Stunting is the growth retardation that occurs in children as a result of chronic malnutrition, recurrent infections, and persistent psychological and social stress. 88 toddlers in Bengkulu City experienced stunting with a prevalence of 0.86%. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Audio Barcode Monitoring Book (Dicotobook) media on maternal behavior in the early detection of stunting.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods: </em></strong><em>This study used a quasi-experiment design with a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The sample in this study was breastfeeding mothers, totalling 30 people in the intervention group and 30 in the control group using a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis in this study used the Wilcoxon signed rank test, the Mann-Whitney test, and the Analysis of Covariance test.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results: </em></strong><em>The statistical test results showed differences in mothers' average knowledge, attitudes, and actions before and after education using Dicotobook media (intervention group) (p-value 0.001) and leaflet (control group) (p-value 0.001). Education with Dicotobook media is more effective in increasing knowledge (p-value 0.004), attitudes (p-value 0.009), and actions (p-value 0.016) in the early detection of stunting risk after controlling for factors such as maternal education, maternal occupation, and distance to health facilities. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>Dicotobook media is a very suitable educational media that can motivate improvement i</em>n<em> knowledge, attitudes, and actions in the early detection of stunting risk. This Dicotobook media can be used as an alternative to provide education to the public.</em></p> Maharani Mirabella Hasmanita, Demsa Simbolon, Linda Linda Copyright (c) 2025 Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700