Evaluation Of The Use Prophylaxis Antibiotic In Cesarean Section Patients In The Central Surgical Installation

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Rahayu Septia Ayuni
Ade Maria Ulfa
Annisa Primadiamanti


Background: Caesarean section is the delivery through a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus with various risks, such as Surgical Site Infection (SSI). This research aims to evaluate the use of prophylactic antibiotics and observe the outcome of prophylactic antibiotic therapy in cesarean section patients.

Methods: This non-experimental research used descriptive methods and the data were obtained retrospectively from medical records. The data covered the type of antibiotic used, the dose used, the route of administration, and the time of administration. The results of the study were compared with the ASHP Therapeutic Guidline which is then measured using the percentage formula.

Results: The results showed from the 54 patients, most of them aged 20-34 years (63.0%) with a gestational age of 37-42 weeks (96.2%), and length of treatment of 4 days (72.2%). There are 5 types of indications in the cesarean section patients and the highest case is the patients with a history of cesarean section.

Conclusion: Based on research on the use of prophylactic antibiotics in cesarean section patients at the Pertamina Bintang Amin Hospital Surgical Center Lampung in 2019 – 2020, it has not met the ASHP Therapy Guidelines. Because of the four analyzes, only the dose, route of administration, and time of administration met 100% of the ASHP Therapeutic Guidelines. Meanwhile, the analysis of the types of prophylactic antibiotics does not comply with the ASHP Therapeutic Guidelines. The therapeutic showed a good outcome based on the patient's body temperature.

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How to Cite
Ayuni, R. S., Ulfa, A. M., & Primadiamanti, A. (2022). Evaluation Of The Use Prophylaxis Antibiotic In Cesarean Section Patients In The Central Surgical Installation. Interest : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 29–36. https://doi.org/10.37341/interest.v0i0.417


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