AUVIS-Brain Gym To Increase Children's Learning Concentration During Covid-19 Pandemic
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Background: The COVID-19 Pandemic Disaster lasted for more than a year and had an impact on children in their learning, including stress in learning, thereby reducing learning concentration. An environment that is not conducive to a learning process that is not optimal can make children's learning concentration go down.
Methods: The research method used a Pre experimental study with a pre-post test design. The population of this study was elementary school students in the Sidoarjo district with criteria. Namely, the respondents carried out brain gym with a frequency of 1 time a day for three weeks. The sample chosen using non-random Sampling with a sample size was 139 respondents. This research used an independent variable Psychosocial Disaster Management: AuVis-BG (Brain Gym), one time a day for three weeks. The dependent variable of this research was Children's Learning Concentration with a questionnaire. The research tool is the questionnaire that the respondents measure to be valid and reliable. Statistical test using Wilcoxon with <0.05. Health Research Ethical Clearance letter 134/XI/EC/2021
Results: Based on the Wilcoxon statistical test was found that p = 0.000, which means that there is an influence of Psychosocial Disaster Management: AuVis-BG (Brain Gym) on Children's Learning Concentration During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Conclusion: Psychosocial Disaster Management: AuVis-BG (Brain Gym) effectively increases Children's Learning Concentration during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This intervention can be used as a preventive therapy for cognitive decline in children during online learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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