Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (E-ISSN : 2579-6135; P-ISSN : 2252-5432), with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix 10.37341 known as Interest, is a  journal published by Health Polytechnic of Surakarta Ministry twice a year in May and November. Interest has decided to change the Indonesian language to accept with English starting from May 2021. This journal provides a forum for exchanging ideas about theory, methodology and fundamental issues related to the world of health which include nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine (herbal), occupational therapy, prosthetic orthotics, speech therapy, public health, medicine, and health education. The submission process is open throughout the year. All texts submitted will be through multiple peer reviews and editorial reviews before being accepted for publication. In 2012, the magazine published online with the name of Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Interest, starting with Vol.1 No.1 with the printed version of ISSN 2252-5432 and the online version from 2579-6135 in accordance with LIPI policy. Starting in June 2019, Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Interest uses an Open Journal System that requires all authors to register before they are allowed to upload the manuscript they write online. After that, editors, peer reviewers, and writers can monitor the processing of the manuscript. Publisher of Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan is Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta incorporate with the organization of profesions : Perhimpunan Akupuntur Terapis Indonesia (HAKTI).



Start from June 2020, Based on Excerpts and Decrees of the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency, with Number: B / 1796 / E5.2 / KI.02.00/ 2020, Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan has accredited SINTA 3 (3rd Grade Journal). The Accreditation is valid until 2024.


Since Vol. 6 No. 1 March 2021, Interest: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan only receives full-text manuscript in ENGLISH. Thank you.

INTEREST: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Volume 13 Number 1 May 2024

Published: 2024-03-08

Nursing Process Training to Improve the Quality of Nursing Care Documentation

Harmini Harmini, Supratman Supratman, Vinami Yulian


How a Servant-Leadership Attitude Affects Discharge Planning Efficiency

Reny Anggraeni Dwi Puspita, Nursalam Nursalam, Yanis Kartini


An Exploration of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Competencies of Ambulance Nurses in a Pre-Hospital Setting in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

Hersinta Retno Martani, Purwanta Purwanta, Kudiyana Kudiyana, Mifta Yusri Isnaini, Deskantari Murti Ari Sadewa, I Made Moh. Yanuar


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